
I've been reading a book called a Generous Orthodoxy by Brian McLaren. I'm just over 100 pages into it, but I am finding it to be great so far. I'm sure some of you (especially in church work circles) have probably heard McLaren's name somewhere associated with a movement towards the postmodern church and a many of you may have read his writing before.

I really enjoy his writing. It's not because I agree with everything that he says. I don't. It's not because it gives me something interesting to talk about with others. It doesn't unless you like theology. I like his writing because it challenges my thinking and my beliefs. I know what I believe as a Lutheran and really don't think it would be beneficial to read more works that just reinforce my thinking and pat me on the back.

While I love to be told I'm doing a great job and thinking the "right" thoughts, I don't really think it is helpful for me personally. I really believe that we grow the most when we are challenged and everything isn't always easy. If we are going to mature and grow and strengthen and deepen our faith we will need to be challenged and tested. I didn't understand the stove was hot by listening to my mom and I'm surely not going to understand the message of Christ by just hearing it.

So if you like challenging books that make you think, pick up something by Brian McLaren. You will probably rejoice with one paragraph and want to scream at the following, but the most important thing about his writing is that it forces you to think about your faith on levels bigger than you and your church and your town and the year your living now. So proceed with caution...you may be offended and repulsed, but you will definitely be challenged.

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