
What an excellent Saturday. It started early today. I was eyes wide open at 6 in am. I got to play golf with a few friends. The weather was excellent and it was wonderful to spend some time with buddies. After that, we drove out to Picacho to do some hiking with some friends who were camping out there for the weekend. We hadn't been out there yet and it was a blast. We got some great pictures and it was good to spend some more time with friends this afternoon.

While we were hiking, I spent some time alone on top of one of the hilltops. There was an incredible view before me. The sun was setting on the desert and it was golden and in the middle of it was the Colorado River. It's incredble how water makes such a different in the landscape. I don't know if there is a more beautiful contrast in our world than a river meandering through a desert.

It's amazing how water makes so much different. You look out and see all this brown and then a river surrounded by 20 feet of heaving foliage on every side. We can learn alot about the power of Scripture in our lives from a river. Scripture is like the water of a river. In fact, Psalm 1 says that the man of the Lord is like a tree planted by a steam.

We are like the land. We are full of potential growth that isn't evident to a casual observer. There are gifts and passions planted deep in our soul that only God can release. He does this with his Word. This is why we see such a dramatic change in a person when they immerse themselves in Scripture. It's water to our soul. It causes thick vegetation to grow in the desert of our soul.

Maybe this is a message that you need hear. I know I need to hear it sometimes. Don't settle where you are. God loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you that way. Spend more time reading Scripture and see what is unleashed from your soul. God is not done with you. He wants to show you more. He has great plans for you to prosper in this life. David said in Psalms that his soul was like a parched land in need of God's mercy and love. He shows us this mercy and love in his Word.

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