This one is for all of you Lego fans out there. I was sent these by my father-in-law.
The other day Meredith and I were at Starbucks. During our wait, which is a period of its own, we noticed they were selling bottled water by the name of Ethos. I was most intrigued not with the fact they were selling water for $1.80, but that the display featured a group of children from Africa happy because they had clean water. The display said that part of your purchase of that water goes to help provide clean water in Africa. Good cause. Sounds like a good idea.
So with 10 minutes to go till getting our coffee, I picked up a bottle and began to read it. Soon after I did this, a sickening feeling took over my stomach as I read on the label that they will donate 5 cents of each bottle sold to this humanitarian effort. 5 cents! That's a whopping 2.5%! That's not a humanitarian effort. That's a tax write off.
I'm not opposed to selling water for $1.80. You can sell water for whatever price you want. That's capitalism. What's most uncomfortable about this product isn't the price, it's the marketing of the product.
The display and the label sell the water as a humanitarian effort. I was disgusted to read that 2.5% of of the sale goes to the ensuring clean water around the world. While I acknowledge the cause as a great need, I can't help but think that it is being used as a tax write-off with great publicity.
I'm not saying that I disagree with the concept of this product. I think it's a great concept. But I do think you need to be honest about what the product really is. It's about redirecting some money the company would pay for taxes, not giving up profits...there's a big difference between the two.
I think this is the type of stuff that angered Jesus the most. He talks about this in Luke 11:42. Jesus tells the Pharisees that it's their donations are done to gain fame and noteriety for themselves. They are using a good cause for personal gain.
A funny thing happened on my way to work this morning. As I started my car and got on the road, the sun was starting to come up over the was beautiful. In fact, this is my favorite part of going to work early during the winter months. So here's the funny thing. I went to Starbucks (because I was given a giftcard) to get a drink on the way and it was dark outside. Three minutes later when I came out it was significantly brighter.
So I have a couple theories. Maybe I noticed it was dark when I first left my apartment and I never took a moment to reevaluate in the midst of my drive...I was either ignorant or became numb to the status of the sun. Perhaps the moments I was in Starbucks was the exact time that the sun peaked over the horizon. Regardless of which theory you choose to subscribe, I still missed it.
After this tragic experience, I did what I normally do...I thought about what God might be teaching me about our relationship in that moment. So what did I learn?
I learned that sometimes I see the good things that God has prepared for me to in a day, but as the day goes on I get sidetracked and lose focus. Sometimes I just miss the opportunities because I'm not paying attention and preoccupied. I get lost in the moment and miss the next moment. It's not so much a conscious choice that I make, but it just tends to happen.
Another thing I learned from this is sometimes I get conditioned to my first evaluation. It was getting lighter with every minute as I was driving, but I didn't necessarily notice because I didn't take the time to reevaluate the situation. This can be dangerous because then when we do reevaluate, we are broadsided by the fact that things have changed, but we aren't quite sure how we got to this change. All we know is that it was sudden and lacked warning.
Something else to learn from this is that even though I missed the sunrise today, I will be able to see it tomorrow. There will be a new sunrise tomorrow morning for me to watch and ponder. God knows our condition. He knows that we don't have it all together. He's patient with us. He doesn't give up on us. Tomorrow will bring new opportunities, joys, and challenges. But this is today and it's not even half over yet...there is so much still to come!
Has anyone else taken the time to watch The Office? It's hysterical. It's simple, subtle, and isn't completely obsessed with being oversexed. Meredith and I have just finished watching the 2nd season and are hoping to catch up on the third and get up to date...big shout out to iTunes for the help with that one.
So the show is exquisite. Have you ever had a job where your boss was way in over their head and everyone knew it? I have. It was in high school...I worked at a Six Flags park in a eatery and my boss was clueless and sinking fast. I'm sure you have probably had a similar experience if you have had a job.
Anyway, it's one of the best and funniest shows I've seen in a long time. That's all I have to say about that.
This is an exciting week. 24 began. I broke down and finally got an Ipod Nano. There is also another source of excitement.
I've been dreaming about this movie since I was 6. Optimus Prime cannot be stopped.
Do you know what's going on in the world today? If you were to watch the news, you would think that the only things happening are politics, Iraq War, and terrorism plots being busted up. But is that it?
Do you know how many wars are going on at this moment? According to Wikipedia, there are currently 21 wars taking place today in the world...may of which I haven't even heard about. When I found out about this I was shocked, but not suprised. I just didn't know.
While I'm saddened to read about this stuff, I understand why we don't know more about it. Quite frankly, we don't want to know. It's distirbing enough to watch the "clean" war in Iraq on the TV. There's nothing about war that is clean, but with just over 3,000 dead American soldiers, the Iraq war is nothing, comparatively speaking.
I'm on this because watched this slideshow from a photographer of the war in the Congo. You can watch it here -> Did you know that since 1998, 4 million people have died from this war? 4 million!!! That's like the entire city of Phoenix. Most of that number died from lack of medical care...from diseases that we have vaccinations and cures.
When we hear about this stuff, we ask a few questions. Why and How? All of these conflicts occur because of selfishness and a lust of abundance beyond our need. But why would God allow this? I think we have exhausted this question. We know that God cares. We know that there are consequences for sin.
The question I think we should all be asking is "what now?" What will we do in light of this? How can we help? How can we help a country of people that is helpless? So here's a list:
1. Realize that those people are our neighbor...the same neighbor God tells us to care for. 2. Learn more. This isn't just the Congo. Check out organizations such as the Blood Water Mission, International Justice Mission, International Rescue Committee, and the P.E.A.C.E. Plan. 3. Offer your time, money, and talents. 4. Be with God and pray. Pray for your heart to be broken by such images and stories.
You may have just read that and thought "that's a nice idea, but..."
Satan loves the power of "but..." Don't be overtaken by doubt or feelings of not being able to make a difference. The body of Christ, with all it's parts working together, is capable of incredible things by the Holy Spirit. It says "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us" (Eph. 4:20).
We can make a difference because Christ makes a difference in us.
What about this doesn't scream for the need of God?
This is my usual Sunday morning. Get to my office around 8. Get my coffee started. Do a few things I need to do to prep for Sunday morning classes. Then I have the time that I'm enjoying right now. It's a time of stillness. I can hear slight echos of the hymns of the early service, but no one else is around right now. It's very peaceful. Just me, my coffee, and God.
To the right of my computer screen there is a cross made out of nails. My father-in-law gave it too me for college graduation. I love this cross. It's abstract, but detailed. It doesn't just remind me that my Savior died on a cross or that he is now risen. What I love most about this cross is that it is raw.
There is something incredibly appealing about a Jesus that is raw and not well packaged. It makes him seem believable. I love how Jesus laughed, made jokes, and got ticked off and yelled. It's not because I think those are honorable things to do. It's because it makes him believable. I can relate to that Jesus, because I laugh, make jokes, get ticked off and yell. I can understand how he might be thinking or feeling. But most of all, I resonate with this Jesus because this Jesus understands me, my feelings, and my life.
So here is my prayer for today. Lord, may I reflect you today. Help me. I can't do it alone. May your goals be accomplished. Change hearts starting with my own. Let all people see your goodness.
So here we go. The day is starting. Let's do it. I'm ready.
Seen The Pursuit of Happiness yet? I have. Meredith and I went to see it before Christmas and we both enjoyed it quite a bit. Will Smith breaks out of playing himself in roles this time around. While he has a couple smooth and funny lines, he takes a serious role which is a nice change for him. I really enjoy his roles where he isn't chummy and womanizing because I think he's a great actor and it shows in this movie. By the way, his son also co-stars as his son in the movie.
While the story of the movie is quite inspirational and heart-warming, there is a clip that stood out for me above the rest. At the beginning of the movie, there is an examination of the Jefferson's famous phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". The narrator notes that while life and liberty are given to all Americans, happiness requires constant pursuit. How wise (or fortunate) of Mr. Jefferson to understand happiness is not something that is held onto in our lives.
We are never always happy. When we read about happiness in the Bible, it is always talked about as a moment or single experience. It never refers to a period of considerable length. Happiness is confined to a moment and has little effect on those following. This could explain why when we watch TV, play video games and surf the net we are left feeling rather unfulfilled.
But what makes us fulfilled? We are fulfilled when we learn and grow. It happens when we spend time building a relationship. It happens we have hope in our future. This fulfillment that we know is joy. While happiness comes and goes, joy goes on because joy has hope for the future.
Okay, so I'm back after a hiatus during the holiday season of crazy life and lack of time for anything. I had a good vacation to Texas with Meredith. I accomplished my 2 goals of playing golf and getting a massage. It was nice to be home in that we had the opportunity to just relax and have no agenda to accomplish each day as usual.
So now it's "back to life". You get that feeling after every vacation or trip you ever take. You get back to normal. Sometimes you dread it and sometimes you can't wait. I usually experience a little bit of both in my "back to life" moments. On one hand, I hate for it to end because it's different and new, but on the other hand, I am often ready for it to end because I can't handle the lack of predictability.
So I would challenge that this whole "back to life" dilemma really rests with the issue of control. How important is it for us to have control over our lives? When I look at the bad and illogical decisions I have made in my life, they all seem to hinge on the issue of control. There are many things decisions I've made, feelings I've harbored, and actions I've regretting for the power of control.
Control manifests itself in many forms, most commonly selfishness. We start thinking about ourselves and what's good for us without considering the context of other people. The problem with this is that what's good for us is often determined by the context of the people with whom we are surrounded. What's best for us is determined not always by what we want, but by those people around us. We as the "body of Christ" needs to work together for the common good, not just our own.
So here is another day with the same dilemma of "us" vs. "we".
Let me encourage you to take some encouragement from Scripture. Paul says to do nothing out of selfish ambition or gain, but to consider others better than ourselves. We need to look to not just our own interests, but the interests of others. (Philippians 2:3-4) Be patient with each other for we are all sinners and imperfect. Forgive one another any grievances you have against each other. (Colossians 3:13)